Monday, July 31, 2017

EC750E shoe test

Over the weekend I managed to fully build one shoe and solved some wheel placement problems as well as started to add structural support for the x-brace and body.

I was able to test the shoe and the performance was mediocre. It has lots of torque and does go up and down in gear ratios as needed.  Going up an incline seems fine and it is slow as expected.

There is a problem however. On flat ground the shoe lurches, slows down, and lurches again. This is at any motor speed. Best I can tell is that it seems to be that the many dive axles that twist and retain a lot of torsional power like a spring that lets loose once the friction on the drive line is reduced. There is an especially long set of connected axles from the transmission to the sprocket of 17 studs.

This is probably exacerbated by the final output shaft having a 1:1 drive ratio with the drive sprocket and incomplete structural bracing.
I'm going to try a 1:2 gear ratio at the drive shaft.
If that fails I'm thinking I have to redesign the cvt to pass power more directly by gears than by axles. I can't see that being possible, but I haven't tried that yet.

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